“Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
At Westminster, pastoral care is everyone’s responsibility. As we go through life’s journey, we all need a community of people surrounding us, providing care and support. We all need people to be strong for us when we cannot be, to visit when we are lonely, to pray when we are sick, bewildered or in despair. Jesus calls us to love one another as he has loved us (John 13:34).
The Pastoral Care team is made up of caring and compassionate people with different types of training. Most have taken the Ottawa Pastoral Care Training course, some have palliative care and hospice training, some are gifted in reaching out and listening.
We provide a ministry of presence through prayer, visits, phone calls and cards. The pastoral care team visits people in retirement and nursing homes, as well as those that are unable to attend church or church functions. Additionally, the congregation of Westminster provides pastoral care through: coffee hour on Friday mornings at Carlingwood, fellowship after church on Sunday mornings, breakfast at Kristy’s, the prayer chain, taking people for appointments, providing a listening ear and just being a friend; offering a smile, a hug, a drive.
In the words of the apostle Paul, “I give thanks to God for all of you.”
If you, or someone you know, is in need of pastoral care, or, if you are interested in being part of this ministry, please contact Marcy Manyere (marcy@mywestminster.ca)